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Edward Dopheide

World War I

Edward Dopheide was born near Templeton on March 3, 1896, to Herman and Bernadina (Stallman) Dopheide. His parents were both German immigrants. He was one of 12 children in the family. After 1900, the family had moved to Minnesota for a few years and then back to Templeton.

Edward was inducted into the US Army from Templeton on September 5, 1918, and assigned serial number 4815900. He was sent for training at Camp Dodge near Des Moines. After initial training, he was transferred to the staff of Base Hospital No. 129 at Camp Shelby near Hattiesburg, MS. This was a large training base which had assembled the 38th Infantry Division to be sent to France. In addition to his hospital duties, Edward was also the unit bugler and was a member of the Camp Shelby Band.

Hostilities ended with the Armistice on November 11, 1918 and Edward was discharged on December 18, 1918. By this time, his family had moved to Carroll. He returned to Carroll County and entered the insurance business. On July 27, 1920, he married Mayme Huegerich in Carroll and the couple moved to Dallas, SD where Edward joined the Dallas State Bank. In 1930, they moved to Sioux City where he founded the Columbia Mutual Life Insurance Company. He was president of Columbia until 1960. In 1951, he founded a bank in Defiance and later a branch in Dow City. In 1960, he founded Valley State Bank in Sioux City and moved to Omaha, NE to take a position with Security Life Insurance Company. By 1968, he had retired and moved back to Carroll. He died in Carroll on October 24, 1975 at age 79. He is buried in Mount Olivet Cemetery in Carroll.